One of many of my Martina Cole collection, this has to be one of my favourites! With a gritty, mature & captivating story line, I couldn't put this book down - Even when walking through the city centre.

The story is based on Marie Carter, a former prostitute and drug addict, now in her 30's, who has done a 12 year stretch in prison for murder. Her mother despises her, her sister isn't too keen on her either, her brother is dead and she is left with the slightest glimmer of love from her father, not that her mother would ever let him show Marie he cares. Not to mention she has two children who are now young adults with their own families and don't want anything to do with her either.
Marie manages to stay at a half way house, get a job and make some friends - and enemies, along the way. She demonstrates the greatest effort to re-unite with her kids always trying no matter the setback. However Marie's heart is broken to find that history is repeating itself and her daughter is following in each and every one of her footsteps day by day. Can Marie save her daughter? And where is her son?
Martina Cole pulls you into Marie Carter and you feel so much compassion and sorrow for the character, but at the same time she inspires women everywhere the way she portrays Marie to be so strong even after hitting rock bottom.
The story has a fantastic ending that i didn't see coming and it produced so much emotion that i was shaking with a mix of feelings i remained silent for a good 10 minutes after in complete awe of this woman's amazing book.
I don't wanna share too much as i will ruin it for you but i seriously recommend you get stuck into this book! Girl power.